Day 15 Thursday May 30

I had a bad night last night. I hurt all over and in particular my left shoulder blade was very painful. I couldn’t take a deep breath and coughing killed me. As a result I didn’t get much sleep and felt pretty bad this morning. I rode in the van today since I felt so bad but thankfully, as the day wore on, I started to feel much better. By the time we got to Sarajevo I felt like if tomorrow was a riding day I would be ready to go. A big difference from last night when I was hurting so much that I started looking at flights from Sarajevo.

Today was the fourth day of four difficult rides. The route today was up and then down in the rain. Everyone said that it was a good ride so I am sorry that I missed it.

When we got to Sarajevo Chris and I went to the hospital. Chris needed to have his stitches checked and the tour staff wanted me to have an x-ray. My x-ray was negative, no broken bones so just a lot of bruising. I should be good to go on Friday.

Riding in the van makes it difficult to take pictures. I snapped several through the window but most were just a blur. I am posting a few. When we got near the hotel the streets got really small and very convoluted. As a result we got stuck on a very narrow street and it took us quite a while to work our way out. I thought that the picture I am posting of the van stuck between a wall and a car exemplified their slogan of “not your typical bike tour.”

Tomorrow is a rest day in Sarajevo and I need to get a new helmet so I will be in search of a bike store.

View from my hotel balcony last night. Fast moving river in the foreground
Another view from my balcony
View of the countryside from the van
Stream next to road from van
Communist era (?) apartments as we enter Sarajevo
Passing an interesting looking building
Stuck van