Day 21 Friday June 7

This page is being posted a little late since I was so tired I couldn’t post it on time. This was a long day. It was a long ride with a significant amount of climbing but the real problem was that it involved three ferry rides. We would get to the ferry terminal but then have to wait for hours for the ferry. A very long day. It started at 5am so that we could end at a reasonable hour. Evidently last year they didn’t get to the hotel until after 9pm so this year they wanted to start earlier to get to the hotel at a more reasonable hour. The rides on each of the islands were challenging but not unreasonable but then we would get to the terminal and have to wait for the ferry. The first two ferrys were very short (15 min) but the last ferry was 90 min. The result was a long day with significant distance and significant climbing.

The views as we travelled were generally nice with views of the ocean almost all the way. We eventually got to the hotel which was a very nice hotel but we were mostly exhausted from the day

morning view as we left from Pag
Looking back at Pag as we start to climb
On the road from Pag
On the road from Pag
On theroad
Waiting for the ferry
Kelly waiting for the ferry
Waiting for the ferry
On the ferry
Here comes the ferry
Route 21 pRT 1
Route 21 PART 2
Route 21 part 3
Route 21 Part 4