Day 22 Saturday June 8

Wow what a hard day. 130 Km and 5,500 feet of climbing. We were all tired to start and the climb was daunting. It had no relief it just kept going up. Today we also did three countries. We started in Croatia, then went to Slovenia, then to Italy, then to Slovenia, and then to Italy. Just the way that the road went. We are in Trieste Italy tonight. Tomorrow we have a rest day and I, for one, need it.

When I got to the hotel I took a shower and then went out in search of a beer. There is a large plaza near our hotel with several restaurants around it. It is all very pretty and very Italian. When I ordered beer it also came with two types of chips and some bruchetta. Very different that all the countries we have passed through so far. There, the bars had no food at all to serve with the alcohol even if you were willing to pay for it. Here it comes with the beer at no additional charge.

We have a day off tomorrow and everyone needs it. After that we head over the Alps.

on the road from Maliska
Restaurant on the plaxa
Beer and munchies