Day 24 Tuesday June 11

120 Km and 8,900 feet of climbing. I’m tired but it wasn’t that bad. Maybe because the route was so beautiful. The Dolomites are magnificent so today is pretty picture day. I am posting quite a few pictures but as on most days I am not posting all of them. So, if you want to see all of them you will have to come visit us and we can sit in the hot tub with a glass of wine or a marg and pass the ipad around.

This was a hard day with three significant climbs. But at every stage of the ride there were beautiful views. There were rivers along most of the route. An amazing green lake, dense forests, waterfalls coming off the sides of the mountains, snow capped peaks, beautiful weather and very little traffic made a great ride. The last 25 miles was on a bike path similar to the loop trail in Tucson. It went through the forest and there was of course no car traffic.

Everywhere we have ridden in Italy we have seen many bicyclists. They range from people doing their shopping, to racers out training, to many touring cyclists with all of their gear on their bikes. It has been fun to see so many equally crazy people.

Tomorrow is another 100KM ride but without the level of climbing so hopefully it will be an easy ride. Now for the pictures.

Starting our climb into the mountains
Road view
Early view of the mountains
Views of the mountains through the forest
The green lake
Mountain view as we climb
Crossing a hanging bridge
More mountain views
Looking across the river
View as we get highher
Lunch, Toby, Kelly, Win, Richard, Barb, Geoff, Michael, and Dean
Mountain towns
Getting near the top
Another view
Close to the peaks
Streams everywhere