Day 25 Wednesday June 12

The good thing about spending yesterday climbing the Dolomites is that today we get to go back down. On the other side of course. After a short stretch of fairly steep climbing to get to the top the rest of the day was mostly downhill. This will be another pretty picture day. The views were gorgeous. We had a river running next to the path nearly all day.

The Dolomites are covered with biking and hiking trails. We spent most of today on dedicated bike trails. We were originally going to start on a bike trail but we had a big storm last night that took out one of the bridges so the first 30 kilometers were on a road. After that we were back on the bike trails. They are mostly paved but we had several sections that were not. Those areas slow you down but otherwise are not a big problem. There were an unbelievable number of cyclists on the trails today. I am not exaggerating if I say we saw at least 300. It was a great day to bicycle. The weather was perfect.

The only challenge today is that it was very difficult to follow the directions. I got lost at one point and while I was puzzling where to go, Michael came by with his Garmin directed route so I tagged along for the rest of the ride. Even with his Garmin we got on the wrong path a few times.

Tomorrow we will leave Italy and head to Innsbruck where we have a day off. The ride is the same length tomorrow with substantially more climbing.

Our hotel last night in Cortina
View from the front of our hotel
Heading out of Cortina
View from the road
View from the road
View from the road
View from the road
View from the road
View from the road
Pretty hotel
Lake by the road
View from the road
Another lake
View from the road
Women’s ski team climbing the mountain
Castle in the distance
Ruin beside the road