Day 28 Sunday June 16

Well it had to happen eventually, an easy day. Even though we did 100Km it was an easy ride. It was cool, it was mostly downhill, we were on bike paths most of the day so there was no traffic and no head winds. Just about perfect. The ride started with heavy overcast skies but as the day went on they began to lift and by the halfway point we started to see some blue sky. We were mostly in the forest on bike paths with occasional breaks into big fields or small towns. There were a lot of people out enjoying the weather on bikes, walking, running, etc. As we approached Munich the numbers of people escalated to the point that there were hundreds out enjoying the weather. Most of the time there was a river next to the path and we were next to a lake for about a third of the ride. The bike path along the river took us within a block of our hotel in the central part of the city.

We have now completed section two of the ride. Remember section one was from Athens to Sarajevo and we had quite a few people leave after that section. The second section is from Sarajevo to Munich and we have two people leaving now. Roberta and her partner Michael will leave the tour after today. No one is joining here. Roberta started in Athens and Michael joined in Sarajevo but unfortunately, after one day of riding he had heart problems and after going to the hospital it was determined that he will need surgery so he has just ridden in the Van for this section. We have just the one section left, going from here to Amsterdam. So far we have ridden 1,198 miles and climbed 90,266 feet. For the last section the daily distances will be longer but there will not be so much climbing.

Tomorrow we have a rest day here in Munich and Michael (the one from Germany) is introducing us all to one of his favorite beer houses tonight at 5:30.

Leaving Garmish
Bike path along the river
View from the road
Approaching the lake
View from the road
View from the road with windmills
Approaching Munich on the bike trail