Day 29 Tuesday June 18

This was a long day. Nine hours on the bike. I’m sitting in my tiny room in Dilligen Germany feeling pretty tired. However, I have felt happy all day. I don’t know if it was the fact that we had blue skies and cool temperatures, or that we only had minimal climbing or that I spent most of yesterday at the Spa but in any case I felt happy all day. Leaving Munich was challenging and most of us left as a group. There was this long row of bicyclists all following Michael who felt very protective of the whole group as we worked our way out of Munich. I moved toward the back and couldn’t hep thinking of a mother duck with all her ducklings following her every time I looked up at our long string of cyclists.

Michael is very proud to be German and when the whole group got to Dachau he wanted to show everyone the concentration camp museum. It is admirable that they have maintained this as a museum so that people can see what happened. I wonder if the US will create a museum of the concentration camps that the Trump administration is creating for the refugees once Trump is out of office as a reminder of the inhumanity that still exists in America. Anyway, Carol and I had spent quite a bit of time in the museum and I still remember it vividly so I did not go with the group to the museum but instead took a slow ride by myself to lunch.

Along the way I snapped a number of pictures of what we spend most of our time riding through. On most days we are riding quickly so we do not generally stop for pictures unless it is exceptional or someone needs to pee. So today is a day of boring pictures. Just shots along the way so that you see what we spend most of our day riding past. A portion of the group with Michael arrived at lunch just after I did so we all road together after lunch. Michael, Dean, Geoff (who was back on the bike for the first time today), Richard, Barb, Jack and me. There was still almost 40 miles left after lunch.

Tomorrow is also a long day with a little more climbing than today so will be another tiring day. However, there are only 8 days left.

Entrance to Dachau Memorial
These statues are everywhere in Austria and Germany. We probably passed a dozen today
Roadside view
Typical bikepath
Small villages with modern housing
Lots of corn fields
Roadside view
Approaching another village
Fields of wheat? everywhere