Day 30 Wednesday June 19

This morning I woke up feeling like I wanted to ride. So, I took off and made great time all day. I ended up finishing more than an hour before the next riders. And, I even stopped for food and drink at about 100 km. I just felt great today. Hope it lasts. Today was mostly flat or down hill, along railways and a stream. The ride was mostly through fields and it was all so similar that I could have taken 20 pictures at different spots and they would have looked like they were all at the same spot.

Much of the ride was on bike trails and although many of them are paved there are some that are gravel, some that are dirt roads, and some that are forest trails. Riding difficulty varies tremendously.

We are in the town of Schwabisch Hall and our hotel faces the town square. There is some big celebration tonight and they have been setting up for it all afternoon. There are pieces of airplane on the steps of the town hall that are part of the Performance. I don’t know what is going on but will try to find out.

Tomorrow is our third long ride in a row. We go to Heidelberg and it is longer with more climbing that the past two days. It will be a challenge.

Our new co-leader Oskar. He is from Turkey
Joan showing Geoff and Barbara some yoga moves while Michael and Barb look on
View of incoming rain from our dinner last night
View along the trail
View along the trail
View along the trail
View along the trail
We passed a lake
We rode along a stream
View from the trail
Interesting hotel on a hill
Getting the chairs ready for the event
Plane parts on the steps???