Day 32 Saturday June 22

Fast 100K from Heidelberg to Mainz. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My back pain always seems to get worse on days off. So, I wasn’t feeling that great this morning and I just took off and went all out to get the blood flowing. The first 65K went really fast. I stopped for lunch but didn’t feel like eating so I took off and knocked out the remaining stretch. After lunch the ride was harder because much of it was on dirt or gravel. There was one stretch where the path was only about a foot wide for maybe 5 or 6K. The route started following the Neckar river and then at Mannheim it turned north along the Rhine. The route then followed the Rhine to Mainz.

Not a lot to see along the route. We were either next to the rivers or going through cities, neighborhoods or industrial areas along the bike routes. Very little of today’s ride was on roads. We had three new people join us today. Two are TDA people sent to help out since Sharita had to leave and one, Hans, is from the Netherlands and is just coming along for the ride for three days only. The weather was nice again with mostly blue sky, some clouds and unfortunately some fairly gusty wind which felt good but was often blowing in the wrong direction.

Tomorrow is another 100K ride that looks fairly easy. We head to Kobletz.

Riding along the Neckar
Then we follow the Rhine
Much of the ride was along the Rhine
Lots of dirt bike path