Rest Day Monday June 17

Last night Michael led everyone to the Hofbrauhaus which is an enormous building serving hundreds of people liter mugs of beer and traditional German food. We had a great time there eating and drinking to a traditional oom pah band. Lots of fun. I think everyone is starting to focus on the fact that we only have nine more riding days and the tour is coming to an end. It was also the last time we will see Michael and Roberta and also our tour leader Gergo announced that he is leaving us as well. He got word that the baby he and his wife are expecting is likely to come sooner than expected and he wanted to be home for the birth.

Today I walked around Munich a bit and snapped a few pictures and then Joan and I went to Therme Erding which they say is the largest spa in the world. Joan, you may remember, caught her wheel in a streetcar track a couple of weeks ago and went down hard. I think she broke her thumb and maybe cracked a rib. She and I have been experiencing similar back pain. I can’t verify that the spa is the biggest in the world but it certainly is big. In the traditional side where we were there where 30 different saunas and a huge number of pools. There were restaurants, bars, gelato stores, and pretty much anything you wanted. We spent about 4 hours there and were pretty relaxed as we headed back to the hotel. It is a great place and I highly recommend it the next time you are in Munich.

Tomorrow we are back on the bikes for the first of three long days of riding. We are scheduled for 81 miles and 2,500 feet of climbing.

Walking around Munich
Walking around Munich
Walking around Munich
Bicycle commuters everywhere