Rest Day Tuesday June 4

Today I mostly rested. Our hotel is on the northwest corner of the city and it would be quite a walk into the city or I could have taken a cab but basically I just wanted to take it easy. Last night I took a walk up the coast a ways and there is a nice walkway that leads in about a half mile to a beach that seemed very popular. This morning it was raining and when it stopped I walked toward the city and found a fairly large pedestrian mall across from the harbor. After exploring for a while I went back to the hotel and then around noon walked over to the marina and had some lunch.

The rest of my time today has been laying about reading or washing clothes. There is no laundry service at this hotel but they do have a heated drying rack in the bathroom. One of the challenges on this ride has been figuring out how to do laundry. We have been lucky that some hotels provide that service but in general they do not. Washing the clothes in the sink is ok but the challenge is drying them. Since we are typically only at a hotel one night there is not time to get them dry. The drying rack however, works great and I should be all set for then next four days.

Tomorrow we head mostly along the coast with relatively little climbing. The next four days should be interesting in that we will leave Croatia, cross Slovenia and end up in Italy. The route will also involve several ferry crossings.

Walking up the coast
Walking up the coast
Walking up the coast
View from the hotel
Another view from hotel
View of the harbor
Another view along the harbor
Start of pedestrian mall
Restaurants and hotels
Fresh fish in Pedestrian mall
Small plaza
Side street
View from marina
Another marina view
Lunch view